Tavares, FL - August 4, 2012
Fiscal Rangers exclusive: Video of incumbent Lake County, FL Property Appraiser Ed Havill yelling at taxpayer customer trying to get information on a problem. I don't have the details why this occurred, but Havill is known for losing his temper with customers and here is a clear example.
This video of Ed Havill was provided by Pam Lee from another taxpayer who contacted her. Lee is a write in candidate for Property Appraiser in the GENERAL election, and has done a LOT of research on that office and problems she has had with them.
There is no excuse for a public official treating a taxpayer like this. Havill needs to go to anger management classes because he even gets rude in candidate forums - see all the videos on our YouTube channel FiscalRangersFlorida. I also have verbal reports from Pam Lee and another taxpayer of them getting similar treatment by Havill or his staff. You NEVER hear of that behavior from other local elected officials (Ok, except for that Lady Lake City Commissioner and a few other elected officials in other City Councils.)
Havill is running for re-election vs Carey Baker and Walter Price in the primaries which occur on August 14th. Pam Lee is a write in candidate who will be on the subsequent ballot vs the winner of the above three Republicans for the Nov. 6 General Election.