Tavares, FL Oct. 2, 2016 Our TEN year anniversary is this coming Wed., Oct. 5, 2016, so naturally our main 7 year old Windows 7 desktop computer, "Miami", crashed and is in the shop for a new motherboard. THUS I have to use an older backup laptop, Atlanta, to post to the blog, which is a pain. BUT, we are using this as an excuse to celebrate our anniversary and build a new computer, Dallas, from scratch to handle editing and video editing duties. I describe the new system below for you computer geeks. Fortunately almost every application I use is cloud based, so they can be used on my older alternate laptop. EXCEPT, I use Outlook email on my PC which uses contact lists, email archives, etc on the PC. Everything is backed up, but it is a pain to move email lists etc. to the old reliable HP laptop I am using ("Atlanta"), so there will be no email distribution until Miami is back. I also cannot edit videos on this old TEN year HP laptop purchased about when this blog started, so I can't upload videos yet to the "FiscalRangersFlorida" YouTube channel. However, to celebrate the ten...
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